Hi All,
Two different 'services' for you to access tomorrow.
Firstly the details for the Sunday service, which goes live at 10:30am tomorrow:
with links for the two post-service zoom rooms:
Room 1: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84114661061
Meeting ID: 841 1466 1061
no password required
Room 2: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5147968654?pwd=Q3NwdFh4bXNpTEFzWlV2UDVhYU02QT09
Meeting ID: 514 796 8654
Password: coffee
Secondly Matt Briggs from St Philip's Church has been hosting a 'Singing with Matt' session at 4pm on Sundays. You can join him for a sign-a-long at: https://youtu.be/xls4yRg9Ppk Just click on this link at 4pm to join.