Our Sunday reading is John 20.19–31, Jesus’ resurrection appearance to Thomas. Here is tomorrows Collect (prayer for the day) to help us prepare;
Risen Christ,
for whom no door is locked, no entrance barred:
open the doors of our hearts,
that we may seek the good of others
and walk the joyful road of sacrifice and peace,
to the praise of God the Father.
It feels fitting in this time of lock-down to be looking at a story where Jesus’ followers are confined to one room and waiting for him to appear. It takes the physical reality of Thomas touching the wounds of Jesus for him to believe. During our own time of confinement we need solid proof that in our doubts and fears there is still hope. Thomas’ faith was born in the physical reality of Jesus’ presence. While we are physically separated from one another we might ask how Jesus can be real to us in these strange times? During this confinement we might ask how the doors of our hearts can still be open or what seeking the good of others looks like in our confinement, and how we can still find joy in this time of anxiety? I hope through all the acts of kindness, words of encouragement and prayer, that we can nourish our lives and the world. Just like Thomas, we can never go back to the old world and our old lives. The opportunity now, through this current suffering is see what a resurrected life might look like in the present as we seek Jesus’ presence with us.
This weeks service (April 19th) will be broadcast live from our house starting at 10.30am. Join us on YouTube; by searching “Kenotic Unicorn Bob Bailey” or find us via the link; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGbCk-5Q1VlVbhkkl-ZoMhA
Our all-age service will be exploring John 20.19–31 through songs, readings, drama, crafts and prayer from across the Benefice.
Please be ready to join in with some bread to share and a candle to light.
To send photographs, comments, messages and prayer requests during the broadcast please either sign into YouTube and leave comments, text me 07885 386932 or email rev.bob.bailey@gmail.com. I will try and read out as many as I can online. Remember that this is being broadcast live so be sure that the person you are praying for would be happy sharing this information in public.
Bring a cuppa and join us on Zoom for after service refreshments;
An edited version of the broadcast will be available on the Benefice YouTube Channel later in the day.
Please do stay on touch and stay safe.
Blessings and see you tomorrow!