Diocesan strategy and church involvement
All churches within the Diocese have been asked to consider how we can improve what we do as a church. The Diocesan Strategy looks at 5 goals that are set out below, but can be summed up through three simple questions: What is workingwell in the church? What could we as a church do better in? What are we not presently doing that we could start doing?
All members of each congregation will be given a short questionnaire and are invited to reflect on and answer in as much detail as possible.
The 5 goals;
1. Thrive as a distinctive Benefice/parish. Each parish within the benefice is distinctive with its own culture and needs and each needs to learn to thrive in their distinctiveness. Likewise the benefice is distinctive and in order to thrive we need to learn how to work together where appropriate.
2. Reimagining Ministry. How can we as a church share our faith in new and imaginative ways?
3. Nurturing Lay Discipleship. One of the main roles of the church is to help all Christians grow in their faith. How can we put this into practice?
4. Building leadership Pathways. How do we help develop leadership, in all its forms, from within the church?
5. Growing Young People as Christians. How do we better help our young people to grow in their faith?