Worship Questionnaire for All Saints Barwick
Recently the PCC conducted a survey to gather ideas for how to grow the church numerically, in spiritual depth and engagement with the community. An immediate outcome of this was the successful Advent Course. Another clear message from the survey was the desire to develop a worship service which would be attractive to families and younger people, building on the work of Altogether@10. The PCC has asked our new Curate, Bob Bailey to cast fresh eyes on what might be possible and report back to the PCC in February 2018 with some proposals. He is interested in gathering a snapshot of our current situation and ideas from as wide a group as possible, both within and outside the church congregation. The current proposal is some form of all-age worship on a 3rd Sunday. We will be exploring this possiblity while being open to other suggestions. A questionnaire will explore where we are as a congregation in our patterns of worship and how we would like to see the worship develop in the future. We will hold opportunities for ideas and feedback throughout January. Bob would welcome personal representations and can be contacted at rev.bob.bailey@gmail.com or telephone 0113 260 7721. The questionnaire will be available from January 7th, 2018. Please pray for Holy Spirit led inspiration as we explore this possibility to enrich further the spiritual and worshipping life of the village.